Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival

Begüm Erciyas (TR/BE/DE): Voicing Pieces

13. mars 2019



13. mars 2019

Arrangementet starter:


Del Arrangement

“A magical journey which ultimately brings you back home to yourself.” De MorgenHave you ever been struck by the strangeness of your own voice? Like it almost belonged to another person? In Voicing Pieces Begüm Erciyas explores the political and poetic power of the voice and the act of speaking. Each member of the audience is invited to enter a small sound booth where they are urged to read aloud from a book. In doing so, they become the protagonists of the performance. The act of speaking and listening turns into a theatrical and choreographic experience, and the voice, a place for action and surprise. Voicing Piecesinvites you to discover and embrace the stranger in yourself.Begüm Erciyas was born in Turkey. She studied molecular biology and genetics in Ankara, where she became a member of [laboratuar], a performing arts project and research group. She graduated from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEADI), and is an active member of the artist collective Sweet and Tender Collaborations. In 2014, she was a fellow at Villa Kamogawa / Goethe-Institut Kyoto. Her recent work include this piece is still to come (2012), A Speculation (2014) and Pillow Talk (2019).
  • Open between 14.00–19.00
  • Location: Kulturkirken Jakob
  • Norwegian premiere
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • In English
  • Info: There is only one ticket available for each time slot. Visit ticketmaster.no for the full schedule and to buy your ticket (coming soon).
  • Please arrive no later than 5 minutes before your allotted time. No late comers admitted.
  • Concept: Begüm Erciyas
  • Realisation: Begüm Erciyas and Matthias Meppelink
  • Dramaturgy: Marnix Rummens
  • Live operation: Eric Desjeux, Marc Melià, Begüm Erciyas
  • Text: Matthias Meppelink, Begüm Erciyas, Jacob Wren
  • Set Realization: Tim Vanhentenryk, Lena Buchwald, Barbara Greiner
  • Artistic collaboration: Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias
  • Production Management/ PR: Barbara Greiner
  • Production: Begüm Erciyas, Platform 0090
  • Co-production: wpZimmer (Antwerp), STUK (Leuven), Tanzfabrik Berlin/ Tanznacht Berlin
  • Research support/residency: Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk), Q-O2 Workspace for experimental music and sound art (Brussels), FrankfurtLAB, Tanzrecherche NRW, Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa
  • Supported by: Hauptstadkulturfonds Berlin

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