Li­vet. Su­ite for the Earth

Pol­and / Nor­way / Bul­ga­ria / Ukra­ine

21. oktober 2023



21. oktober 2023

Arrangementet starter:


Del Arrangement

Li­vet. Su­ite for the Earth

Pol­and / Nor­way / Bul­ga­ria / Ukra­ine

Kl 20.00 

Free entrance


Juni Dahr – poems by Nils-Aslak Valkeapeää

Choir from Teatr CHOREA,  Łódź

Tord Gustavsen - piano

Marja Mortensson - joik

Tore Brunborg - saxophone

Eivind Aarset - guitar

Rune Arnesen - drums

Piotr Ro­do­wicz - double bass


Presented by: Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki in Łódź, Te­atr CHO­REA, Vi­sjo­ner Te­ater

Concert created and presented as part of „ACT IN_OUT” project, organised by Art Factory in Lodz, in cooperation with CHOREA Theatre form Lodz and Visjoner Teater from Oslo, thanks to a grant form Norway Grants and EEA (European Economic Area). Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Project financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Project co-financed by the City of Łódź.

Directed by Erik Hillestad, Juni Dahr, To­masz Ro­do­wicz


Takk til Stiftelsen Lásságámmi som forvalter den kulturelle og åndelige arven etter multikunstneren Nils-Aslak Valkeapeää - Áillohaš og Laila Stien som har gjendiktet diktene.


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