
Jon Øyvind Ness: Popping (WP) / ULTIMA

15. september 2018



15. september 2018

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Resultatet er populærmusikk fra ulike fiktive kulturer – kanskje populærmusikk i bred forstand, som folkemusikk, jazz eller lett klassisk musikk. Men alt er filtrert gjennom Ness’ samtidsmusikalske håndlag og bevissthet. I Popping blir musikken kidnappet av en ond trollmann, den gnagerlignende Harry Lemen, og innelåst i et mørkt tankefengsel. Her kan vi høre deprimerende versjoner av blant annet Diana Ross’ Upside Downog gitarsoloen fra Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb. Til slutt gir Karol Szymanowskis gjenferd trollmannen en leksjon han aldri vil glemme, og setter musikken fri. Med humor og en kosmopolitisk bevissthet om ulike sjangere har Ness skapt en liten kunstnerisk fabel om hva som skjer når musikken holdes som gissel av filosofer. Produsert av Cikada.   For this new piece, Norwegian Composer Jon Øivind Ness has been inspired by the The Residents’ album The Tunes of Two Cities, David Byrne & Brian Eno’s My Life In the Bush of Ghosts; surreal comedy series The Mighty Boosh; the fictional groups Chubs and Moles; and supposedly futuristic music from movies like Blade RunnerThe Fifth Elementand Starship Troopers. The result is popular music from different fictional cultures – perhaps popular music in a broad sense, as an equivalent to folk music, jazz or light music. But everything is filtered through Ness’s contemporary classical sensibilities. In Popping, music is kidnapped by an evil sorcerer, the rodent-like Harry Lemen, and locked up in a dark thought prison. Here we can hear depressive versions of, among others, Diana Ross’s ‘Upside Down’and the guitar solo from Pink Floyd’s ‘Comfortably Numb’. Eventually, Karol Szymanowski’s ghost gives the sorcerer a lesson he will never forget and sets the music free. With humour and a cosmopolitan awareness of diverse genres, Ness has created a little artistic fable about what happens when music is held hostage by philosophers. Produced by Cikada.

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